Meet the Team
Meet Daniel McGowan, Supervisor at the Tantangara water treatment plant

Explore what site life is like on one of Australia’s biggest renewable energy projects! Meet Daniel, a Supervisor at the Tantangara water treatment plant on the Snowy 2.0 project.
”I started my journey on the Snowy 2.0 project in 2020 and have since worked my way to Supervisor of a team of 70 at the Tantangara water treatment plant.
“My time with the project has been exciting from the beginning. When I first heard about Snowy 2.0, I was excited. I remember saying to my partner, “I’ve got to get on this job – it’s renewable energy and it’s the way of the future.” I was the first boilermaker on the project.
“After working as a boilermaker in the dewatering team, I was promoted to leading hand at Lobs Hole and, last March, I was asked if I’d like to take on the role of supervisor up at Tantangara. It was one of my goals and it was a pretty quick transition thanks to the training program here with Future Generation Joint Venture.
“Our people are giving their best and they’re here away from their families for 14 days at a time so it’s important to invest in them. It’s my goal to lead a happy team who are giving 110 per cent and really enjoying working here.
“From my site office I look out to the Tantangara reservoir and it’s just such a beautiful place to work, even when it gets cold.
“Another great part of working on a project this big is being a part of its legacy. A lot of our team members had family who worked on the first Snowy Scheme so it’s really interesting hearing stories that have been passed down to them. As with that scheme, Snowy 2.0 has quite a few world-first engineering feats. I see renewable energy as the new boom for Australia.
“I have four children – aged three to nine – and I hope in the future they, or their children, will be taught about what we’ve done here just as we learnt about the first Snowy Scheme when I was at school. It’s an iconic project.
“For anyone seeking an exciting role or wanting to be part of an iconic project that will leave a positive lasting impact, I highly recommend being a part of the Snowy 2.0 project.”
About the Snowy 2.0 Project
Webuild is part of Future Generation Joint Venture - FGJV, the principal contractor for Snowy Hydro Limited, delivering the iconic , which will help underpin Australia’s renewable energy future.
Snowy 2.0 will increase the generating capacity of the Snowy Scheme by 2,000 megawatts (MW), up from current capacity which stands at 4,100 MW, and will also triple its pumping capabilities which the Scheme currently has at Tumut 3 power station.
Importantly, Snowy Hydro supplies the National Electricity Market at times of peak demand. As renewable energy sources continue to feed a greater proportion of power into the grid, Snowy 2.0 will help keep the lights on when the wind is not blowing or the sun is not shining.