Thought Leaders Series

Infrastructure driving Western Australia's growth

Western Australia's robust budget surplus is indeed a significant boon, offering a strategic reserve that can be invested in the state's infrastructure. This financial advantage comes at a critical time when the state is experiencing substantial economic growth and demographic shifts.

Investing in infrastructure is not just about maintaining the status quo; it's about laying the groundwork for future prosperity. Quality infrastructure can lead to improved productivity, better connectivity, and enhanced quality of life for the community. It can attract businesses, support tourism, and stimulate further economic activity. For Western Australia, this could mean upgrading transportation networks, upgrade and build community facilities, enhancing digital connectivity, or investing in renewable energy sources to power the state's future.

In partnership with Webuild, a panel of experts from government and industry will convene to tackle WA's pressing infrastructure hurdles, exploring viable solutions and policy recommendations. Their diverse perspectives can help ensure that the state's investments are strategic and forward-thinking, avoiding short-term fixes in favour of long-term solutions.

This discussion will extend to strategic delivery of infrastructure projects, with a focus on promoting sustainability, economic success for the community, and mitigating climate change effects.

Infrastructure driving Western Australia's growth



Thought Leader Series Infrastructure driving Western Australia's growth

Australia’s Thought Leaders Series

Infrastructure driving Western Australia's growth

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Thought Leaders Series: Infrastructure driving Western Australia's growth

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